Tuesday, October 16, 2007

radiohead kick

hey guys...been a couple of days. my wife had a baby, booya!

with the release of radiohead's newest album "in rainbows" i have been on somewhat of a little radiohead kick and i wanted to share a couple of albums that maybe even big radiohead fans may not have and are definate must-have's.

the first is radiohead's leading man thom yorke's solo album, "the eraser". it's some of the best work i think thom has ever done. if you like the song, "idioteque", "kid a", or "packt like sardines in a crushd tin box" then you'll love this album! some of my fav's are "harrowdown hill", "atom's for peace", and "the eraser". seriously, if you call yourself a radiohead/thom yorke fan you're doing yourself a serious injustice by not getting this one.
thom yorke-the eraser [2005]

  1. the eraser
  2. analyse
  3. the clock
  4. black swan
  5. skip divided
  6. atoms for peace
  7. and it rained all night
  8. harrowdown hill
  9. cymbal rush


the next album is one of two by a great classical pianist named christopher o'riley. he is best know for doing covers of alternative music. he has done two radiohead albums (both of which are listed here) and also albums of songs by nick drake and elliott smith so if you like these you may need to search out the others...(let me know, i'll hook you up). these are great if you like piano music and can't get enough of radiohead....

true love waits:christopher o'riley plays radiohead [2003]

  1. everything in its right place
  2. knives out
  3. black star
  4. karma police
  5. let down
  6. airbag
  7. subterranean homesick alien
  8. thinking about you
  9. exit music (for a film)
  10. you
  11. bulletproof
  12. fake plastic trees
  13. i can't
  14. true love waits
  15. motion picture soundtrack


christopher o'riley-hold me to this [2005]

  1. there there
  2. nice dream
  3. no surprises
  4. polyethylene part 2
  5. how i made my millions
  6. like spinning plates
  7. sail to the moon
  8. the tourist
  9. cuttooth
  10. 2+2=5
  11. talk show host
  12. gagging order
  13. paranoid android
  14. street spirit (fade out)

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