Tuesday, June 3, 2008

flight of the conchords - flight of the conchords [2008]

great album. freaking great show. if you haven't seen it. contact me immediately.

  1. foux du fafa
  2. inner city pressure
  3. hiphopopotamus vs. rhymernoceros
  4. think about it
  5. ladies of the world
  6. mutha uckas
  7. prince of parties
  8. leggy blonde
  9. robots
  10. boom
  11. a kiss is not a contract
  12. the most beautiful girl in the room
  13. business time
  14. bowie
  15. au revoir


Anonymous said...

Hey! Love your music! Do you know Aaron? I think you would like the band: http://rapidshare.com/files/44614107/never_ride_animals.rar.html

Pass: aaron

Kara said...

If you don't know who Flight of the Conchords are...you've been living under a rock! Amazing show. Hilarious songs. Good post my friend :)

Anonymous said...

How are you? your website is cute
Check at that cool emo video clip: